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Someone was killed. Brutally murdered

But the scene of the crime was filled with a silent chill.
about the victim
zaki a.k.a rain
living in this world for 18yrs and breathing

August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
September 2009

Ying Ying.





Afifah MOO !!.


Rain No.2.

the Pretty/Handsome guy.

Sweeet J.

Aunty Jess.

S h a k z.








Lela, lela, ella eh eh.



너라고(Its You) - Super Junior(슈퍼주니어)

date of incident happened
Saturday, May 30, 2009 |1:58:00 AM

entry for 29-05-09
what a big night! phew! it felt like an exercise!

i got tricked by you. but it ended up pretty good <3
she text me whether i'm free, but sadly, i was napping. "what the hell!" yeah i know. don't mention. woke up at around 6+. replied her but it was too late. *awww. missed it*

anyway, at about dinner time she told me that something happened to her. so i went down to see her. and i thought she was hurt or sumtin. sekali no lah! and the thing is, i brought some medication and tissue because the way she told me sounded like it's serious!

we sat on a nearby bench. she gave me birthday presents. there was a couple of tees and cakes. i was thrilled and i gotta tell ya, my heart was racing! it felt like the sound of a horse galloping. sheesh! and i got tired from smiling cheek to cheek.
i was ecstatic. this feels like a fantasy, so good that you're just feel like you're in a different world.. a world made up of happiness and excitement.

i wanted to send her home because the time she spent for me is totally priceless. and all the things she did for me. i can't take it lightly. i mean come on. you gotta appreciate what your loved ones do for you right. this is like common sense right?

i love her. and she's all that i have. i won't let anything disrupt our relationship. nothing.

we head home. her cousins were there. had fun with 'em. watched monster inc. in disney channel.
after movie finished, sent her cousins home. instead of sending them, we went in. haha! the kid was super duper uber hyper maan. jeez! no wonder why she's slim :)

after the whole night "exercising", i went home.
that's all i can put ok. no more.
haha sorry readers.
anything after that is between me and her.

words of the day:
you know, sometimes in life you can't be all good like an angel. you have to be equal and balanced.
you can't be all too good or vice versa.
people won't like you that way.

date of incident happened
Friday, May 29, 2009 |7:52:00 PM

alright guys. in a few hours my 18th year will be forever gone!

my 19th will be a new adventure for me :)

we'll see what's in store up for my 19th birthday.

date of incident happened
Monday, May 11, 2009 |7:11:00 PM

It's Monday, May 11th, 2009

i got home like a normal nerdy boy would do.

when the bell tells us that it's time to go, then it's time to go.

i'm just a normal average guy who has different capabilities.

i enjoyed singing as much as people do.

i still can't find my true voice yet, you know.

it felt like you're trying to be someone you're not.

although i adore rain's vocal strength but when it comes to singing his songs, i tend to sound LIKE him.

and to be a professional singer/artist, you gotta find you comfortable spot which you can relax and just let the tone of your voice flow along your vocal chords/box.

and i tend to "force" my voice?? which i don't get it.

There was once that she told me that i tend to sing from my nose, not from my diaphragm.

i know how it feels like singing from my diaphragm, but when it comes to high, difficult notes, i tend to force it out from my throat (which i am not supposed to..) , rather than using my diaphragm to control it.

TIP: you gotta relax your muscles on your throat and also use the correct breathing techniques in order to get a good result.

*It takes a whole lot of practice!

i enjoyed playing the guitar although i am still getting used to switching in different chords and stuffs.

( neck aches)

gotta get used to it.

SO! back to reality, i've been mugging these days.

i don't intend on continuing my studies to higher nitec because:-

1. It grabs a whole lot of your lifetime

2. You gotta stick with the same old rules: uniform.

3. You gotta make new friends.

4. You gotta start all over again. But deeper in a sense that your challenges are way tougher.

5. You have to go around the bush for 2 YEARS in order to get to polytechnic.

+ i can't afford to lose this opportunity.
+ i need to get to poly after ite.


*Still Loving you as always*

date of incident happened
Saturday, May 9, 2009 |11:06:00 PM





date of incident happened
Thursday, May 7, 2009 |11:16:00 PM


hey. it has been a very long time since i blogged.

too good to be true, really.

okay. about today:

since days i've been getting this "sickness" or something which i do not know how to describe it.

i felt shag. probably too shag.

i don't know probably it might the average bread intake i had per day: 8

i know i need to gain alot of mass for my gym workouts.

but it seemed that i don't workout after consuming at quantity.

tired of myself. tired of exercising. tired of sleeping too early.

end of story..